Standing in the Gap Together — Hands at Work in Africa

Standing in the Gap Together

Greetings to all in Jesus’ name,
By standing in the gap for others, we are truly blessed.
This week, please pray,
that we will find success in our 2012 goals:
1)     Increasing church involvement inside our communities in Africa and internationally
2)     Increasing support to our offices across Africa (10 Service Centres across 8 African countries)
3)     Strengthening of our Zambia Regional Support Team and our Hands Community in Zambia (where the majority of our work is happening: supporting 3 countries, 5 offices and 41 communities)
4)     Increasing emphasis on mentoring and discipleship within our Hands family

As well as continued implementation of our 2011 goals.
The Democratic Republic of Congo service centre is looking for an administrator and field coordinator. Pray that God will open doors that will bring about His will.
-    The team is also travelling to Goma in the near future to start up work there – please pray for wisdom and discernment in this new step.
-    Angel, our Hands at Work accountant in the DR Congo, is expecting; please pray that the Lord will assist her and give her strength to care for the new baby.
-    A care worker, Museba Kasowa is improving and gaining strength after a long illness. Please continue to pray for total recovery.
-    Adam Bedford, a long term volunteer from the UK, has just arrived to assist Erick and his team in the DR Congo. Pray for safety and encouragement as he continues to follow the heart of the Lord in servant hood.
The wings of faith carry us far and high
–Oswald Chambers
Thank you,
