His Name will be Glorified — Hands at Work in Africa

His Name will be Glorified

Greetings to all.

Thank you for everyone who faithfully pray for vulnerable children. I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour
Habakkuk  3 : 18

Zambia is hosting Hands at Work Africa Celebration (Conference) during 25, 26, 27 April. We will have delegates from all eight countries in Africa and International visitors.


  • That all internationals attending will have travelling mercies, smooth border crossings and health protection.
  • All participating speakers will have wisdom and discernment as they share.
  • That hospitality will have all the logistical preparation in order.
  • Those present will be challenged and encouraged to advocate for vulnerable children.
  • That God’s Name will be glorified.

Be blessed
