40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 32
Week 5 - Hands at Work around the World
Many dedicated international advocates have committed to raising support for an entire village of vulnerable children in Africa each year. They are the link between Hands at Work and their friends, family, church members or co-workers who join them in supporting this village. Communicating the urgency of need in Africa can be difficult. Ask God to inspire these advocates with a renewed sense of passion as they advocate.
But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded. - 2 Chronicles 15:7 (NLT)
Fana's Story
Senzokuhle, South Africa
Fana is only five and living with an aunt whose health is declining. All they have is each other, and in their vulnerable states, life has been very difficult. Fana’s parents have both passed away. Ossy, Fana’s aunt is doing what she can to raise him, but she needs a lot of help so Fana is expected to help around the home. He was trying to help hook up electricity to their home, a high risk thing to do even by an adult, when he had a serious accident and severely burned his hand. By the grace of God, an international team was visiting Senzokuhle shortly afterwards and on a home visit to Fana’s house, one of the visitors was able to show local Care Workers how to treat Fana’s wound. For weeks, Bethy, a Care Worker who cooks each day for the children, held Fana at the Care Point as she soaked his hand in salt water. Today, he has completely healed.
Ossy says she is so grateful for the Care Workers in Senzokuhle. These local women began caring for her when she was very ill in 2000, and now support her in raising Fana. They volunteer to care for the most vulnerable children in one of the poorest communities. “I want to say thank you to Senzokuhle for caring for me and Fana because if it wasn’t for Senzokuhle he would not be in preschool because I don’t have money for that.” Each morning, Fana has been attending preschool at the Senzokuhle Care Point and this year he will begin primary school! For Ossy, raising a young boy alone would be overwhelming, especially as her health declines. But with the encouragement of the Care Workers, they are raising him together. The Care Workers have encouraged Ossy to have hope for Fana’s future. When they ask Fana what he wants to be, he says, “a policeman so I can help neighbourhoods like mine that have lots of thieves”. He is growing up in a poor, urban, and often dangerous place, and yet he has hope. We pray he will grow into a responsible and caring young man.