south africa — Prayer Room — Hands at Work in Africa

south africa

40 Days of Prayer - Day 33

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and slander be put away from you, along with all malice - Ephesians 4:31 (ESV)

South Africa is one of the most developed countries in Africa, yet has the highest percentage (18%) of people living with HIV in the world. A country rife with bitterness and tension, this social poverty has contributed to an alarming rate of violent crime. Ask God to unify His people in South Africa and plant seeds of deep compassion that will overcome all tensions in the hearts of those serving the most vulnerable.

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 32

Week 5 - Hands at Work around the World

Many dedicated international advocates have committed to raising support for an entire village of vulnerable children in Africa each year. They are the link between Hands at Work and their friends, family, church members or co-workers who join them in supporting this village.

Prayer Requests - October 29, 2013

Greetings in Jesus' Name;

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
-Proverbs 11:30

God has faithfully blessed all in the workshops with our Care Workers. Many Care Workers found salvation, healing and peace as they were ministered to by our local and international leaders. Pray that these Care Workers will bear much fruit and continue to walk with Jesus.
Pray for our International Offices in Australia, Canada, Germany, South Africa, UK and US as they face many challenges. They persevere with dedication and commitment as they advocate for Hands at Work. Pray that they will not grow weary or discouraged.
We are grateful for all of our partners around the world who faithfully support and encourage Hands at Work. Their generosity is appreciated and we thank God for those who have felt called to give support through prayer, time, and finances.
Praise God that Theone, a seven year old boy living in Zimba community, was taken in by his aunt and uncle who were themselves desperately poor. Mercy, a Care Worker, brought hope and compassion to the family and he now receives a hot meal every day and is doing well at school.
Praise God for the life of Mancoba in Oshoek community. Mancoba and his four siblings were left alone by their mother when he was fourteen. It was a daily struggle and they often had no food each day. In 2011 they were found by Nesta, a Care Worker with Bambanani Community Based Organisation. She has ensured that they are safe and cares for them as a mother. Mancoba now attends school and he and his siblings receive a hot meal each day.
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.
-Proverbs 19:12



Prayer Requests

Greeting in Jesus' Name.

The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." 
Matthew 25 : 40


The Regional Support Team is grateful for support and prayers with the facilitation of the Works Shops held in the Share Community, South Africa.
 The Care Workers were touched and experienced God’s faithfulness. 
Many hearts were stirred as broken relationships were healed and physical healing took place. 
Please continue to pray for the Regional Support Team that the spiritual growth will increase in the Care Workers in the Share community.


From the 3rd to 6th September, Dan, Sibu, and Busi will be in Swaziland to identify areas, which are in great need for support from Hands at Work.  
Pray that they will be guided by God to the right areas and have wisdom in all their decisions.


From 16th to 29th September, Dan, Emily and Busi will be in Zimbabwe. They will be doing  “HOLY HOME  VISITS”  Work Shops for five days and visiting two new communities.  They will also be spending time with Farai and the team.
Pray for their travels and health, and that their time together will be blessed as they will spread the message of HOPE to  many.


George and Levy will be in the DRC  the week of 9th September.  Together with Erick they will be visiting all the communities where Hands at Work is working.
Pray that they will encourage and support each other as they face many challenges.
For their protection and health.


There are five new volunteers arriving 6th, 7th and 8th September.
Pray that  KATELYN MARTINETTI, BROOKE WILSON , ALICE FENNING, AMY SIMPSON and DEVON VAN HOFFEN will arrive safely and feel welcomed and loved by the Hands’s Family.  

That their Orientation from 9th Sept  and their community stay in Share for 3 days will build relationships with the families they are staying with. That their hearts will be touched with compassion for these vulnerable children.    

Then I Heard the voice of the Lord saying “Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us? And I said “Here am I, send me”!  
Isaiah 6 ;8

Be blessed, Oumie

Prayer Requests

Greetings to all Prayer Warriors.
                                                                            Romans 12 : 12.
Dan and Busi’s Regional Support Team will be facilitating a workshop in the
Sher Community this week.

Please pray for wisdom and guidance as they share about the
Holy Spirit and His role in bringing healing to us.
This will be followed by a session of “this is why we care for children”.
We trust that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts.
They will discuss Holy  Home visits before going out on home visits.
This is where transformation will take place as it come from the heart.
Care points will be discussed to help Community Based Offices “ to catch”
a vision for a place of care and healing for the children, where they are known by their names
and welcomed as if by Jesus.
The Service Centre staff, Audrey and her team, are doing amazing things and we pray
for deeper understanding
That relationship groups  to support Care Workers will be formed and
much healing will take place.
A time for celebration and worship!
God’s blessing.

Opening Windows where Doors are Closed

Greetings to all in Jesus’ name,
2012 is turning out to be a very busy year, with many big changes that will require your prayers and consideration!
-          Hands at Work has been aiming to do more expansion into Nigeria, but there are many obstacles to overcome before this happens. Land purchase for care centers is proving difficult with Nigeria’s cramped landscapes, and the workers there are facing legal and financial opposition. Please pray that God will open windows where doors are closed in this situation.
-          More development with South African and Zambian care centers is planned, as well as construction of homes for Hands volunteers, but we are lacking people resources and management to do so. Please pray that God will “send out workers into His harvest field” (Matthew 9:38)
-          Celebrations in Zambia is coming up at the end of April, and we are facing burdens financially and travel for so many people is often dangerous. Pray for God’s blessing over this event, as it is a time where representation from all Hands communities can come together and celebrate what He has done for us, and look forward to what He will bring forth.
Thank you all for your support in what we do – prayer warriors are so essential to any organization that looks to bring His glory!
Be blessed,