Prayer Requests - January 2015 — Hands at Work in Africa

Prayer Requests - January 2015

Greetings to all our faithful Prayer Warriors,
May 2015 be a year where we will say:

Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.
— Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV)

“Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.”
 – Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV)

This verse is our Hands at Work WATCHWORD for 2015.

Please pray for the many teams of Hands at Work as they journey through 2015. Pray the WATCHWORD will be an encouragement to them all, and that God’s guidance will prevail in challenging times.

Please pray for:

  • The Most Vulnerable Children across Africa and the people who care for them
  • Local volunteer Care Workers in each of our communities across Africa
  • Hands at Work’s Local African Leaders serving on the ground
  • Hands at Work’s Local and International Volunteers
  • Hands at Work’s Leadership
  • Hands at Work’s International Offices 
  • The Hands at Work global community of volunteers, advocates + prayer warriors

Ask Our Father for insight and wisdom as we strive to implement plans for the first quarter of 2015.

