40 Days of Prayer for Africa's Most Vulnerable and Hands at Work — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer for Africa's Most Vulnerable and Hands at Work

Unite with Us in Global Prayer

February 18 - April 4 | #40Days2015

Join the Hands at Work family around the world as we pray for 40 days on behalf of the most vulnerable children in Africa and our work to support them. As the body of Christ, we commit to coming together to intercede and bring hope to the hopeless.

Download the 40 Days 2015 Prayer Guide

One of the Most Vulnerable Children: Innocent’s Story

David and Jane Newsome, long time friends of Hands at Work, invite you to join us in 40 Days of Prayer:

“There’s something especially powerful in that we do this together as a worldwide community… Together we pray as people of relationships, for the poorest of the poor who are part of our community… Relationships are forged and deepened through collective prayer” - David & Jane Newsome, Hands at Work in Africa UK 

Join our daily online event - here in our Prayer Room, or join our Facebook Event where each day you will receive expanded content on the daily prayer point. Invite your church, friends and family to participate too!

Give ear to my words, O Lord; give heed to my sighing.Listen to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you I pray - Psalm 5:1-2 (NRSV)