40 Days of Prayer - Day 25 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer - Day 25

For the Lord loves justice; He will not forsake His faithful ones – Psalm 37:28 (NRSV)

Thank God for international churches, partners, and willing people who have committed to support communities across Africa. Groups have come together in communities and congregations to raise support, to send teams, and to build relationships between themselves and the communities they are supporting in Africa. Pray for these partnerships to continue and for new partnerships to develop.

“Hands at Work’s vision to reach the most vulnerable children is built on the foundation of relationships and through the mobilisation of the church. When people ask me what makes Hands at Work unique, I usually say these two things: we are all about relationships and we believe in a two-way transformation. We believe that when the International church invests themselves into the work in Africa, they bring a transformation to those they come to serve, but they are also transformed themselves. How amazing that God brings together people from around the world to enrich each other’s lives! I believe this is a picture of a Kingdom culture - one of humility, servanthood and unity.

As we pray together for the International church and our network of friends, supporters and partners, I am reminded of these words spoken by Mother Theresa:

‘I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things’.”

Father God,

Today, may we strive for unity, authenticity and humility in our relationships with one another. We ask that you show us how to love, serve and honour one another, with the little we can give, to make this world a place of more hope, life and love. We marvel at your example to us, through the relationships your Son had with people on this earth. May we love unconditionally and may we serve without ceasing, humbly allowing others to transform us and make us more like you.


-Catherine Clarkson, International Volunteer (UK), Partner Communications