40 Days of Prayer - Day 17
Day 17 – Food Insecurity
Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.” – John 6:27
Food security remains a serious issue in many of the most vulnerable communities that Hands at Work serves. The local Hands at Work teams are committed to providing a nutritious meal daily for the most vulnerable children. Ask God to give the wisdom, discernment and resources needed to be able to effectively provide this care.
For the past three years the Kabwe region of Zambia has faced severe drought, which has had serious implications on individuals’ abilities to plant their fields and yield a harvest. Recognising the desperation of people living in our communities, particularly in Balaka, the Zambian Regional Support Team knew they needed to respond. With the realisation that many people were going without food and faced an additional level of vulnerability, they identified all of the Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in need of extra support and Hands at Work committed to supporting each family with one 25kg bag of maize per month for three consecutive months. This will help to ease the most vulnerable families’ level of food insecurity until their crops are ready to be harvested.