40 Days of Prayer - Day 32 — Hands at Work in Africa

40 Days of Prayer - Day 32

40 Days of Prayer Day 32 – Sacrificial Giving

‘And may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow with love for one another and for everyone, just as we do for you.’ – 1 Thessalonians 3:12

Hands at Work is committed to making the stories of vulnerable children personal. Across Africa, there are stories of volunteers going the extra mile, and sacrificially giving of themselves by taking on responsibility for the children that they have built relationship with. Ask God to give each Hands at Work volunteer a spirit of boldness and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, as they discern what it means to ‘make it personal’ in their own lives.


After visiting a vulnerable family in their home, Ramos, a member of the local Hands at Work team in Chimoio, Mozambique, shared the situation with the Care Workers and asked them, what can we give to this family? The Care Workers immediately raised their hands, one by one, and offered a mat, a blanket, clothes and food.

It was beautiful to see these Care Workers sacrificially giving of themselves out of their own poverty to care for the most vulnerable children. Today we invite you to think of ways that you can give of yourselves and care for the people around you. #40Days2020