Day 11 - The Local Church
All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. - Acts 2:44-45
The vision of Hands at Work is to see the local church in Africa recognise the Biblical mandate to care for the most vulnerable and to take ownership in their communities. As Hands at Work challenges the local church, pray that they will respond with grace, humility and love. Pray that in response, there will be an outpouring of compassion and generosity to the most vulnerable in their community. Pray for the church to be a place of safety where the most vulnerable can come, knowing that they will be accepted and will encounter the hope of Christ. Pray for Hands at Work’s leaders as they try to mobilise more local churches to support the work in their communities.
"We are the body of Christ and believe that together with men and woman like Idah, churches around the world are called to join together in caring for those in need.
Through prayer and advocacy and the sending of teams, volunteers and resources to support the work on the ground, the International Church is an integral part of the Hands at Work vision."