Day 12 - Care Workers — Hands at Work in Africa

Day 12 - Care Workers

‘If you offer yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted one, then your light will shine in the darkness, and your night will be like noonday.’ – Isaiah 58:10

Across Africa, there are 866 Care Workers committed to sacrificially serving the most vulnerable children. Praise God for their dedication, even in the face of oppression. Pray for each Care Worker to develop spiritual eyes to see what is happening in the children’s lives, especially beneath the surface. As the Care Workers serve, ask God to bring continued unity and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Pray that Hands at Work will grow in its understanding of how we can help the Care Workers grow in their capacity to care for their own families.


"We are in no rush to get home. Although we are widowed, we are committed to Jesus." - one of the Care Workers shared.

"It was obvious that they were comfortable being at the Care Point and that it was a safe place for them, which was hugely encouraging.” - Dawson Reddekopp, International Volunteer (Canada) shares about his recent time with the Care Workers from Mount Moriah Community, Zambia.
