Day 14 - Children across Zambia (#40Days2024)
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves. - Psalm 127:1-2
Within Zambia, there are 2,955 children being loved and cared for. Today, we invite you to pray for children across Zambia:
• Pray for protection from illnesses like cholera, malaria and typhoid. Pray that they will get the treatment needed.
• “Pray for children who are born to parents who have a disability like epilepsy or blindness. Also, we can pray for children whose parents suffer from severe learning disabilities and poor mental health. We can pray that God will protect them and will raise many people like the Care Workers who can help and take those children into their homes like our own children.
• We know that if God doesn’t build, we are building in vain. We know that God is the one who can protect and care for these children. Unless God does it, if we are just doing it, we are just doing it in vain.” (Michael, Regional Support Team Leader, Zambia)
Semba* is one of the 2955 children across Zambia. He lives in the community of Amlew.
Four-year-old Semba and her family face great challenges every day. Semba’s mother suffers from epilepsy. Her father works hard to find and sell firewood, but this is a very meagre income. Much of his income goes towards medication and care for his wife, leaving them without enough. The Care Workers at the Life Centre have hearts to care for children like Semba; and her family is a testament to their efforts! Care Worker Rosemary has drawn this family into the Life Centre, ensuring Semba and her baby brother are bathed, fed every day, and get to enjoy the Under 5’s program. Semba’s mother loves coming to the Life Centre too, and even joins the Relationship Group with the Care Workers. This family knows what it is to be loved wholeheartedly.