40 Days of Prayer 2015 - Day 1
Week 1 - The Most Vulnerable
Thank you for joining the Hands at Work family around the world in prayer for 40 Days on behalf of the most vulnerable children in Africa and our work to support them. As the body of Christ, we commit to coming together to intercede and bring hope to the hopeless.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling - Psalm 68:5 (NIV)
As we begin 40 Days of Prayer together, read the story of Innocent, a six-year-old boy living in one of the poorest rural Zambian villages. Once fatherless, Innocent has begun to build a relationship with his Care Worker, John. Thank God for this transformation, and pray for Innocent to also begin building a relationship with his Heavenly Father. Ask God to deepen your relationship with Him, and to encourage you as you commit to giving of yourself to pray for others over the next 40 Days.
Watch and pray with Prudence for Innocent, John, and the most vulnerable children: